
The Gang








First things first I would like to say that I had a great time up in Yorkshire. Everyone was really friendly and I had a great time. Plus I got a free trip to the local hospital!! Bet none of you can say that. For the moment I'm going to start off with what Stewart wrote in my book:

William has appeared a pleasant, polite and friendly group member; commented on by all. His attitude towards the activities was always positive. He showed good leadership skills during the moorland day. His week was spoiled by an unfortunate incident and he himself is most aware of the consequences of his action.

As you can see, he is hinting at something that happened during the week. I haven't got a clue what he might be on about......Anyway, Sorry I couldn't contact anyone earlier, we seemed to have some problems dispersing the email addresses. (Tamar!). I was thinking about submitting an article to the D of E magazine, telling them how good it was. If everyone could help me out by adding something about their week I would really appreciate it. We all had fun and all got on well together (minus the secluded group), so why don't we spread the word?

If you are wondering about my arm, it's fine and dandy. Here's an x-ray from the Yorkshire hospital. A few physiotherapy sessions later and I'm up and running again.

If anyone needs to stay in the Sussex area you are always welcome round my house. Come and visit 'Sunny Worthing', or so they call it. Brighton is just round the corner and always worth a visit. I also think we should all get together again, another activity week! Get some cheap tickets to Majorca or something. If anyone has any ideas just contact me: See ya all soon!


I had a great time. It was better than I thought as I expected to be the youngest there by a fair way and to not make as many friends but I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was only a year younger than most people and that they were all so friendly and welcoming. It was excellent that so many different people who were more or less complete strangers could bond so well and form such a good friendship (excluding the bunch of quiet girls of course). As regards the activities I thought that the biking was excellent and the orienteering/walking thing good fun but overall the climbing was probably the most fun - it was great to be able to manage the v hard climb (cant remember the name  - someone else will). Best memory is probably of either the climbing , the night trail rope thingy or the quiz night in the bar with everyone else and the crazy barman playing us music.     The food was also wonderful - James's 10 Yorkshire puddings was impressive and I even ate the packed lunches which shows how good they must have been. My favourite instructor was probably the small dumpy woman who was permanently excited and took us on the day walk thing - Stuart got on my nerves after a while due to his mood swings but I liked them all.


Ummm right, errrrr god I'm crap at this sort of thing!  Right, the male Blondie of the group (excluding will because, lets face it, he cheated!).  Although everyone allready seems to have said this, I was surprised with how good the week was, despite seeming to do NONEof the activities that I'd really been looking forward to before hand!  The company was fantastic (with of course the notable exceptions which I don't need to mention, I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about!) and it didn't matter that I was practically the youngest there.  The climbing was wicked, but I was firmly put in place by Portia taking the piss with how easy she made it look!  The last day was all great fun but, team what can I say, ummm rafting, we were pants!! and MY GOD WAS IT COLD!!  Suppose my only real bad memory was some of the music on the minibus apart from that, I thought it was all amazing.  Oh except of course, Stewarts rather violent mood swings.  I don't think he took well to his "Stu Mate" nickname for the week!  One last final thought, JAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMES!! (Sorry Caroline!).


I had a great time as well. I hope that everything is going well and for those of you who hadn't been on expedition yet, I hope you all have a wicked time. I have finished Gold, so its all over for  me (boo hoo) but good luck to everyone who hasn't, and have a nice life!